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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Students standing on the OSU campus

Who We Are

We are committed to expanding minds and inspiring purpose. The Ferguson College of Agriculture provides opportunities for you to gain knowledge in your major, as well as outside your major. Our passion is helping you embrace your potential, and giving you the tools to make the most of your education. As a land-grant institution, we work in collaboration with OSU Extension and OSU Ag Research to provide great breadth and exceptional quality in teaching, advising, research, extension and service.

By the NumbersFerguson College of Agriculture students come from both traditional agricultural roots and urban settings, which strengthens the college experience.

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A Historic Gift

In January 2020, Kayleen and Larry Ferguson donated $50 million, one of the largest gifts in OSU's history. The gift allocated $25 million to the New Frontiers campaign and $25 million to establish an endowment to support the operations of the college.


Agriculture includes broad and diverse professions and does not have a single accrediting society as do some other professions. Programs in agricultural education, agricultural engineering, forestry and landscape architecture are accredited by their professional organizations.

Awards & Honors


We celebrate our students who display excellence in academics, leadership and service during their time as students in our college.

Faculty and Staff

Our faculty and staff are consistently honored with OSU awards and national recognition. Their innovation in teaching and research is a cornerstone in a Ferguson College of Agriculture education.


We honor our graduates who have contributed significantly to society, and whose accomplishments have brought distinctive credit to our college.

Our College Commitments

Expanding Minds. Inspiring Purpose.

In the Ferguson College of Agriculture, we encourage our students to grow into individuals who seek to make a difference in their communities and contribute to a thriving future for the world. As a part of our college, we challenge you to expand your mind and find your purpose while embracing the hallmarks of an education.

Intercultural Competence

Intercultural competence is the development of inclusiveness and consideration to foster interactive relationships of mutual respect, learning and growth. Culture is made up of differences. From the size of your home community to your traditions, each of us has a different background and perspective. Building relationships among those who are different is important for working together in creating a positive future.


Leadership is the progression of abilities to collaborate with others and utilize personal strengths to accomplish common goals. As a part of the land grant mission, the Ferguson College of Agriculture has the responsibility of developing leaders for local and global communities. True leaders integrate independence with interpersonal relationships. They use empathy in working with others and place value on purposeful change and social responsibility.


Effective communication is the enhancement of skills for active listening and clear expression to others through multiple approaches. The foundation of human interaction is communication. We send and receive messages with others constantly through written, electronic and in-person words and actions. Effective communicators show respect for others and themselves through the way they both convey and attend to thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is cultivation of a capacity to make informed, intentional decisions and creatively solve problems in a rational manner. Life consists of opportunities, challenges, and decisions. Making effective decisions requires creating meaning from current knowledge and past experiences to evaluate innovative options for the present and future. Through decisions based upon critical thinking, we can creatively advance the multi-faceted interests of a global society.

Financial Responsibility

Financial responsibility is the development of knowledge and skills necessary for successfully managing financial resources in one’s life. Being accountable for how you manage money impacts your future as well as those you lead in your personal and professional lives. Developing knowledge and skills in using financial resources supports sustainable economic and ethical decisions for a lifetime.

OSU's Land-Grant Mission in Action


At our Stillwater campus and experiment stations throughout the state, faculty members conduct research on agriculture, natural resources, rural economies, and social issues to address the needs of Oklahomans.


Faculty in the Ferguson College of Agriculture use the research to continually improve the quality and content of the college's undergraduate and graduate academic programs.


Through county educators, specialists and publications, OSU delivers the research to promote wellness, leadership, and economic development for all Oklahomans.

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